21/21 Days of Prayer & Fasting



“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”

The Bible tells us that we have been uniquely created in the image of God. If you read Genesis 1 you will see that when the rest of creation was formed, God said it was “good”. But the tone changes when it comes to mankind. God created humanity and he said it was “very good”. God has created you for good things and those good things are fully realized when we come into relationship with Jesus. Jesus restored our relationship to the God that created us on purpose and for a purpose. You are a masterpiece! You were created in the image of God! God sent His son to pay for your sins so that the relationship He created you for could be restored. That’s how important you are to God.

Never forget how much He loves you.



Jesus, thank you for tearing down the wall that separated me from my creator. Show me my purpose in this life and help me to accomplish it starting today. Amen.

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