11/21 Days of Prayer

Luke 16:10 (AMPC)

He who is faithful in a very little [thing] is faithful also in much, and he who is dishonest and unjust in a very little [thing] is dishonest and unjust also in much.

We become people of excellence by making seemingly small, supporting decisions to be people of excellence in every area of our lives. If we are completely honest, sometimes we focus so much on what we don’t have that we fail to be faithful with what we do have. God’s desire is for all of us to be faithful with what we have been given.

Some of our biggest heroes in the Bible simply used what was in their hands to accomplish great things.

  • Moses used a staff in his hand to part the Red Sea.
  • David used a slingshot to take down a giant.
  • Gideon used 300 men to defeat a great army.

God wants to use you today to accomplish great things, and it starts with being faithful stewards of everything He has already given.


God, forgive me for the areas that I haven’t been a faithful steward of what you have given me. Help me to start today being faithful with what you have put in my hand. Holy Spirit, show me the areas that I haven’t been as faithful as I could be. Show me how to be faithful in those areas I haven’t been. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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