Day 9 – What am I going to believe about my failures?

9/21 Days of Prayer

1 Corinthians 2:2 NKJVFor I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.

God’s desire is that our minds be set on the cross of Jesus. He wants us to be cross-conscious. But what does it mean to be cross-conscious? To be cross-conscious is to fix our eyes on Jesus, who provided payment for all our sins past, present, and future on the cross. At the cross all our enemies were defeated and we were freed from all the punishment of our failures.

Philippians 3:13-14 NKJV“Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”

Our past is too heavy to carry it into our present. We are able to let go of our past when we set our minds on the Cross rather than our failures. Satan reminds us of our past in hopes that he can keep us from living the redemptive future God has paid for. God constantly reminds us of the future because our destiny is held up in what’s to come, not what has been. We are not defined by our past mistakes, failures, or shortcomings! We are defined by the finished work of the cross!

When you read Philippians 3:13-14, “forgetting what’s behind,” what situation comes to mind for you?

Declare: I am forgiven of my sins, and my past no longer defines me.

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Day 8 – What am I going to believe about God’s favor?

8/21 Days of Prayer

Luke 4:19 AMPC To proclaim the accepted and acceptable year of the Lord [the day when salvation and the free favors of God profusely abound]

When you think about good years and bad years you’ve had, what stands out? If you are like me, I can’t say anything about 2020 without first letting out a large sigh. There are some years that are just, well, hard. Jesus makes a bold statement in Luke 4:19 that His arrival on the earth means that we are in a time of the free favor of God profusely abounding.

This makes you pause and ask, “What would it look like to have an entire year in which the favor of God profusely abounds?”

The Bible describes God’s favor in this way:


Psalm 5:12 NKJSurely, LORD, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield.

Finding favor with the Lord means you have the protection of God Himself. His favor serves as a boundary between you and the world around you. No matter the obstacles we face, the favor of God is there protecting us!


Luke 1:30 NKJThen the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God.”

One definition of favor is “demonstrated delight.” In my life there are times where it’s easy to believe that God is delighted in me, but there are also days that it’s hard to believe He could be proud of me. However, favor is found and not earned, meaning it can’t be achieved. How different would we live our lives if we sensed the delight of God over our lives!

What would it look like to have the favor of God profusely abound in your life?

Declare: The favor of God profusely abounds in my life.

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Day 7 – What am I going to believe about putting God first?

7/21 Days of Prayer

Matthew 6:33 NKJVSeek first the Kingdom and His righteousness and all of these things will be added.

What is first in your life? What do you think about, talk about, and spend the most time doing? If we are honest with ourselves, it doesn’t take long to locate what or who is number one in our lives.

There are two types of promises in God’s word: some aren’t dependent on our actions, and others are dependent on our actions. Matthew 6:33 lets us know that when we seek His kingdom first God abundantly supplies all we need. The opposite is also true. When I neglect to put God first, I find myself not having enough.

Here are three ways we can practically put God first:


Psalm 63:1 NKJVO God, You are my God; Early will I seek You; My soul thirsts for You; My flesh longs for You In a dry and thirsty land Where there is no water.

I have been guilty, like most of us, of not seeking God first in my day. I can easily fall into the trap of checking my email, social media, and text messages before seeking God. I love Psalm 63:1 because the Psalmist is letting us know that we are all thirsty and only God can satisfy the thirst within us. One of the best ways to seek God first is the 5-5-5 principal. It looks like 5 minutes of reading scripture, 5 minutes of prayer, and 5 minutes of worship. It only takes 15 minutes to put God first in our day!


Acts 20:7 NKJVOn the first day of the week, when we were gathered together to break bread, Paul began talking to them.

The New Testament church gathered each week on Sundays. We have a saying in our church that when you are home, you are here. Meaning if we aren’t traveling or on vacation we are going to put God first in our week by attending church. There is something that God releases to His people when we gather together.


Proverbs 3:9-10 NKJVHonor the Lord with your wealth and with the firstfruits of all your produce; then your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will be bursting with wine.

When we first got married I was so scared to give God the first part of our finances. I wanted to wait until the day before our next paycheck to give in case something unexpected arose. One day I felt the Lord tell me, “it takes no faith to give at the end of the pay period. Give to me first and watch your faith grow!” From that day forward I always gave to God the first 10% of every paycheck we received and my faith grew by leaps and bounds! There is an abundance from God that can only be released when we give the first part to Him.

Of the three areas above, which do you need to start being better at putting God first: your day, your week, or your finances?

Declare: When I put God first, He takes care of my every need.

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Day 6 – What am I going to believe about God’s provision?

6/21 Days of Prayer

Philippians 4:19 NKJVAnd my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

If we were to be honest this verse would read much differently if we would have written it. It might sound more like this:

And my God will supply every need of yours according to the economy.

And my God will supply every need of yours according to my bank account.

And my God will supply every need of yours according to a pay raise at work.

How would you fill in that verse?

And my God will supply every need of yours according to


Philippians 4:19 encourages us that His provision for our lives is not based upon what we have done, could do, or the shifting circumstances in the world that we live in. Our provision is anchored in a source that is sure, steadfast, and can not be cancelled because of our performance.

In Matthew 6:32 Jesus assures His followers that our Heavenly Father knows what we need. God knows what you need, and no need of yours could ever exceed His ability to supply them. He knows the financial situation you are in. He knows how much is in your retirement. He knows how much your kids’ college is, and He knew all of that when He promised to provide for your every need.

Psalm 84:11 NKJVNo good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly.

You can be assured of this, if it is a good thing God wants it for you! Not only does He want it for you, but He will not withhold it from you!

What are some needs that you have? Take a moment to tell God what you need and trust that God is going to provide for you.

Declare: God knows my every need and is able to meet them abundantly.

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Day 5 – What am I going to believe about God’s power?

5/21 Days Of Prayer

Genesis 18:13-14 NKJVAnd the Lord said to Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh, saying, ‘Shall I surely bear a child, since I am old? Is anything too hard for the Lord? At the appointed time I will return to you, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son.

God appears to Sarah when she is 90 years old and announces that she is about to be pregnant. There are alot of things a 90 year old woman is planning, but giving birth doesn’t even come close to the top 100 things on her list. My response would have been even more outrageous than laughter if God had been speaking to me! God’s response is so simple, “Is there anything too hard for the Lord?” There have been many seasons in my life where my responses to God’s promises have been like Sarah’s. I have felt like I am behind, and the opportunities to accomplish the dreams inside of me have passed. In those times I remind myself that God’s power is much bigger than the timeline I have created for my life!

God’s response is the same for any situation you are facing today. There is no problem that God can not solve. His power is never limited by your situational circumstances. If you need financial provision, God is not limited by your lack of resources. If you feel trapped in the same cycle, God is strong enough to set you free!

Look at these scriptures and take time to reflect on what God is able to do for you.

Genesis 18:10-14

  • Are there things you feel like haven’t happened according to your timeline? How can you trust God’s timeline above your own?

Matthew 14:13-21

  • What does it look like to give Jesus your “loaves” and “fish” so that He can multiply it?

Acts 16:24-26

  • What is a situation that has you feeling trapped? What would it look like to praise God in faith that God’s power will free you?

Declare: There is nothing too hard for my God!

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Day 4 – What do I believe about God’s plans for my future?

4/21 Days of Prayer

Jeremiah 31:7(a) – There is hope in your future, says the Lord

Every person who belongs to the family of God has a great future ahead of them. We can be filled with hope because we know He has a wonderful plan for our lives.

It is common for people to place their trust in external and temporary things, believing that a job, an investment, or a relationship is the key to their future. While God can certainly use those things to bring blessings into our lives, He alone should be the foundation of our hope and trust.

Hope means “a confident expectation that something good will happen.” In light of that definition, Jeremiah 31:7 is saying that there is a confident expectation that something good will happen in your future! The negative emotions you have about your future are not from God. Thoughts of dread and hopelessness are sourced from the enemy, and we have to choose not to believe them. God is speaking hope over your future, while the enemy is declaring destruction! Choose which voice you will believe over your own life – one results in hope, and the other depression.

As you think about this coming year, believe what God says about your future. Stand firm on what He has promised. Know his plans are good for you, and His way always prevails.

1. Read the following verses and reflect on how to apply them to your life:

• Psalm 31:23-24

• Isaiah 58:11

2. What are some things that you need God to give you strength and courage to believe for?

• Proverbs 16:9

• Psalm 31:3

3. What are some decisions that you need God to give you guidance on?

Declare: I choose to think and speak good things about my future! I have a confident expectation that God has good things in store for me and my family!

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