4/21 Days of Prayer

Part of being a child of God is caring about what He cares about and loving who He loves. We know His will is perfect, and we acknowledge His wisdom and sovereignty when we pray His agenda first.
LUKE 12:31 (TLB)

He will always give you all you need from day to day if you will make the Kingdom of God your primary concern.

Spend time focusing on what God is focused on. His priorities include:
• Saving the lost
• Wisdom and guidance for those in authority— parental, spiritual, governmental, work-related
• Caring for the poor and marginalized
• Unity and love
• Justice
• Freedom for those in bondage
• Accomplishing His purpose in our lives


“God, I recognize there is no better plan on earth than Yours. I pray for Your will to be done in my life, (name the areas of your life where you need more of God’s presence today) and in our world. This world is lost and needs you desperately. I pray for every person to know you as their personal Lord and Savior. I pray for the leaders in my life (pray specifically over parents, spiritual leaders, governmental leaders, employers, and any other leaders in your life), that You would show them Your will, and give them supernatural wisdom and discernment as they lead. God, I pray that Your heart for justice and unity would be seen in our world, that those who are in bondage will be set free, that the needs of the poor and marginalized will be met. Show me what my role is in seeing the realities of heaven come to earth. Make your priorities my priorities. Help me love who you love and see value in all people. I give my life to you again today. Have your way in me. Please give me wisdom and clarity as You show me my next steps.”

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