12/21 Days of Prayer

The fifth part of the Tabernacle was the table of shewbread. The table of shewbread represents the Word of God
The table of shewbread, containing twelve loaves, represented the importance of reading God’s Word for daily sustenance.

Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.

God’s Word is an incredible gift and a powerful tool to use in our prayer lives. Here are a few ways you can incorporate God’s Word into your prayer time:
• Take time to read and think about the Word
• Claim God’s many great promises for your life
• Ask Him for fresh revelation of His Word
• Ask Him for a word to help you as you go throughout your day
• Ask Him to show you how to apply His Word in the world around you


“Thank You God for giving me your Word. I commit to reading it, and I ask you to reveal yourself to me through it. I want to know you more. Help me to grow more in love with Your Word. Help me to grow more and more dependent on it. I claim the promises you have for me, and I meditate on the truth of Your Word. (Spend time declaring scriptures that are on your heart or that God has given you in your current season.) Give me fresh revelation from your Word today and every day! Help me apply it so I can be an ambassador for your love, justice, and righteousness in the world.”

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