11/21 Days of Prayer

The fourth part of the tabernacle was the candlestick. The candlestick represented the Holy Spirit.
The seven-branched, golden candlestick was made from beaten gold. The oil was made from beaten olives. The olive was beaten, not just crushed, in order that the lamps might have oil and give forth light. The fire represents the Holy Spirit and how we are called to be light in the midst of darkness.

The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him—the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of might, the Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the LORD.

When Jesus left the earth, Christians were given the gift of the Holy Spirit. He calls the Holy Spirit our “advocate.” We cannot do what God has called us to do without His supernatural power. It is through the Holy Spirit that God comforts us, guides us, and empowers us.


“Holy Spirit, I ask You to fill me up. I need Your presence in my life to guide, direct, comfort, and counsel me. I know that You, Holy Spirit, are fully God as part of Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.) You are the Spirit of Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Might, and Knowledge. Give me a holy fear of the Lord. Help me to be in awe of who you are and what you do. Work in me, Holy Spirit. Teach me and transform me. (Pray through any areas where you feel the need for transformation today.) Holy Spirit, empower me with your spiritual gifts to strengthen the Church to help bring the reality of the Kingdom of Heaven to earth.”

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