Day 3: A Really Bad Day

READ: Psalm 3

Have you ever had a really bad day? A day where it feels like anything that can go wrong, will go wrong? That’s the kind of day David is having when he wrote Psalm 3. David’s son, Absalom, was trying to kill him because he wanted to take over David’s kingdom. I’ve had some bad days but never a my son’s trying to kill me and take all that I have kind of day – that’s a really bad day!

What’s interesting is that, even with everything that’s going wrong, David doesn’t talk about his problems, he talks about his God. That is such an important lesson to learn.

It is easy to get so focused on how big our problems are, that we forget how big our God is.

I don’t know what’s going on in your life. Maybe you are having a bad day, week, month, or year. But I want to remind you that God is bigger than whatever you are facing! Peter 5:7 says, “casting all of your cares on Him, for He cares for you.” Take every care, worry, or problem to God. You don’t have to carry it alone. Prayer: Lord, I give you every problem I’m facing. I know that you care about me and what I’m going through. Today I make a choice not to think about how big my problems are. I choose to think about how big YOU are!

Prayer: Lord, I give you every problem I’m facing. I know that you care about me and what I’m going through. Today I make a choice not to think about how big my problems are. I choose to think about how big YOU are!

Day 2: Sons & Daughters

READ: Psalm 2

When my wife and I bought our first house we were so excited! What we didn’t realize is that being homeowners required a LOT of tools! I would find myself needing to fix things around the house, but I didn’t have the tools I needed. Lucky for me I knew exactly where to go! My dad’s house had everything – it was like my own personal Lowe’s! The reason I had access wasn’t because I just happened to know who the owner was, I had claim and access to those tools because I was the owner’s SON. In Psalms 2:7, it says:

The Lord said to me, “You are my Son…”

I love that line! Being a son or daughter gives you access to everything the Father has. One of the most important things you could ever know is that in Christ, you are a SON or a DAUGHTER of God.

Prayer: Lord, help me to realize that I am your child. And that I have access to all of your promises because I am a child of God. Help me to understand how high, how wide, how deep, and how long your love is for me.

Day 1: Blessed

READ: Psalm 1

Middle school is full of life lessons. I remember one time in the 6th grade, my friends and I played a prank on one of our teachers. To my surprise, when the teacher asked who was to blame, my friends all turned on me. We all played equal parts in the prank, but I ended up having to face the principal all alone that day. It should be noted that the principal was my dad! The punishment that came was swift and painful! That day I learned an important lesson. Not everyone is looking out for me and not everyone has my best interest in mind. Sooner or later I think we all learn that there are a lot of people that don’t have our best interest in mind.

One thing I know, though, is that God always has your best interest in mind

He is on your side! When He tells us not to do something it’s because that thing will eventually, if not immediately, harm us. I love how Psalm 1 starts out. “Blessed”! That’s how God wants all of us… Blessed! The scriptures go on to say that when we meditate on God’s word, we will be like a tree that’s planted by a river. We remain strong and sturdy through every season of life. Over the next 21 days let’s not just read our bible, let’s meditate on His word.

Lord, over the next 21 days help me to understand your word. Give me wisdom and understanding in every area of my life. Help me to become someone that is planted in your word all of the days of my life. Amen.