11/21 Days of Prayer & Fasting


2 Corinthians 10:12 (NIV)

We do not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some who commend themselves. When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise.

Comparison is one of the most dangerous traps anyone can fall into! Comparison is what caused Satan to fall from heaven. The Bible tells us that the devil compared himself to God. Cain compared himself to Abel and because he thought he didn’t measure up, he took it out on his brother. Comparison doesn’t stop there either. The list is too long to go into, but you’ll see comparison is at the root of a lot of people’s mistakes in the Bible. It is becoming easier and easier to compare ourselves to the people around us. People post the highlights of their life on social media and we think they must be doing so much better, more in shape, wealthier, and the list goes on. God doesn’t compare us to each other. He created us to be unique. So much so that he made every person with a completely different set of fingerprints!

If God isn’t comparing me to someone else then the big question

is: Why am I?

Comparing yourself to someone else might make you better at imitating them, but it won’t make you any better at becoming all that God has created you to be.


Jesus, forgive me for comparing myself to others. Thank you for making me unique and for setting me apart. Today I refuse to compare myself and choose to be completely me! Amen.

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